Saturday, August 30, 2008

There is Nothing Wrong with the RIGHT Woman Vice President.

Another one of our Western reporters in a RED state sent me this comment:

I think Palin really shows that McCain is a great strategist and shows his great judgement.

He managed to step on Obama's expensive, contrived convention. Stop his bounce and force the liberal media to really report on what he is doing in his campaign.

McCain's selection of a REAL "change" VP candidate makes Obama's speech obsolete:
McCain is not a continuation of Bush.

Her "limited experience" has something to show, not like Obama's. She has REAL experience as a mayor, a governor and political reformer. Obama's so called "ethics work a cross the aisle" shows that though he initially participated, he abandoned the work to vote against what the committee put together.

Palin unlike Bidden is not a hypocrite. She is a true Roman Catholic in her practice not in name only like Bidden and Pelosi (who both recently were in trouble with their church for not following the Church doctrine.) The liberal media failed to report it!

Bidden says that since he doesn't spend the night in Washington, he is not a part of Washington? Doesn't make much since to me, and it is not going to make since to anyone else.

With a REAL Social Conservative and Roman Catholic in Sarah Palin, you are going to see in November a major turn out for McCain/Palin by Catholics and Evangelicals, including the Hispanic vote that Obama has lost when he did not pick Hillary or Richardson as Vice President.

McCain has gutted Obama like a fish... Obama is losing major voting blocks with McCain's selection of the RIGHT woman for Vice President.

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