Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Voter Pledge: I will not vote for a Stupid Candidate, I will not vote for a Candidate that makes more than I do in Four Years, I will not vote for ...

Subject: Vote Out Poverty

Dear Freddallas,

History shows that a committed minority can transform our nation's politics.

Ending the scandal of extreme poverty at home and abroad has become a test of our faith and the social justice imperative of our time.

Today the number of Americans living in poverty is almost identical to 1968, the tragic year Dr. King was assassinated.

Since this tragic turning point in history, our nation has experienced 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, lacking both the bold leadership and national resolve to redress the root causes of poverty in America and around the world.

Making poverty history starts with each and every one of us.

We are the committed minority that can make the seeming impossibility of ending extreme poverty become inevitable due to our collective action.

This is our moment.

Will you join me in signing a pledge to Vote Out Poverty in 2008?

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