The fishing season opens today in the Mediterranean spawning grounds of the “king of sushi” — the bluefin tuna — with a grim warning that current catch rates mean it will die out in as little as three years. Bluefin has become such a soughtafter delicacy in the Far East that ever higher prices are being paid for one of the ocean’s swiftest predators — and the rich red meat that makes it so desirable. But the size of the individual fish caught each year has dropped and conservationists fear that even recent restrictions imposed by the European Union will not save enough adults to keep the bluefin stocks viable.
MORE ON THIS LINK: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6094307.ece
Its demise is blamed on the introduction of fishing vessels in the 1990s that can round up 3,000 bluefin in one go. Most of the fish are frozen for air-freighting to Japan. The price depends on the fattiness of the meat with a record set last year in Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market of $55,700 (£37,400) for a 276kg (608lb) fish.
Welcome to the website dedicated to the best fish on the sea!
My name is Jim and I have always been a big fan of tuna fish. Finally, after sometime collecting recipes and cooking for myself, I have put together the official tuna recipe site.
If you want to learn how to make some great (fresh, healthy, tasty, and original) meals your at the right place. Also, there is quite a bit that most people don't know about the tuna fish that I have put on the site. I hope that you are able to find what you are looking for while here. If you have any comments or questions, please send me an email. Also, if you have a favorite tuna recipe, send it to me. If it's good I will probably put it up.
My name is Jim and I have always been a big fan of tuna fish. Finally, after sometime collecting recipes and cooking for myself, I have put together the official tuna recipe site.
If you want to learn how to make some great (fresh, healthy, tasty, and original) meals your at the right place. Also, there is quite a bit that most people don't know about the tuna fish that I have put on the site. I hope that you are able to find what you are looking for while here. If you have any comments or questions, please send me an email. Also, if you have a favorite tuna recipe, send it to me. If it's good I will probably put it up.
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