Friday, April 17, 2009

Lots of coverage of the Cuba Embrago, but I want to look at Embryo for Stem Cell Studies...

finally, NIH supports Scientific Research again.

All the Euro-Asian countries and the BRIC Block of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (and even Cuba!) are almost a decade ahead of USa in terms of stem cell research and applications in medicine and agriculture.

The BUSH Years were full of Bad Science (BS) and Lobbyist Proproganda: They will be remembered at the Dark Age in USa Science. We might never get it back.


US lifts some restrictions on embryo stem cells

WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Barack Obama eased limits on taxpayer-funded embryonic stem cell research, the big question became how far scientists could go.
Friday, the government answered: They must use cells culled from fertility clinic embryos that otherwise would be thrown away.

Draft guidelines released by the National Institutes of Health reflect rules with broad congressional support, excluding more controversial sources such as cells derived from embryos created just for experiments.


Many scientists had hoped the guidelines would allow use of stem cells derived from embryos created just for science, perhaps even using cloning techniques that could make them genetically customized for a potential recipient.

But the NIH instead proposed limiting new grants to research using stem cells originally derived from fertility-clinic leftovers, the extra embryos that couples wind up not needing and thus often are thrown out.

That's in line with legislation passed by the last Congress but never signed by President George W. Bush. Besides, Kington noted, no one has yet created a stem cell line using cloning techniques.

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