Cowboy churches get
back to basics, emphasize salvation
10:24 PM CDT on Saturday, April 11, 2009
By SAM HODGES / The Dallas Morning News samhodges@dallasnews.com
Many churches will round off Easter worship with the "Hallelujah" chorus, but others will be singing "Happy Trails," the old Dale Evans and Roy Rogers tune.
Here, Easter bonnets will give way to Stetson hats, and any baptizing will be done not at a font or in a baptismal pool, but in a galvanized steel trough usually used for watering horses. Easter is a big deal in these churches, but as for the Easter theme of redemption – well, that's what it's about all year 'round. READ MORE ON THIS LINE.
By 2011, the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches hopes to have 250 congregations in the state, and its adjunct organization, the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches, is spreading the model nationally.
For the Dallas County Cowboy Church, near-term goals are more modest, including fixing up the stable out back, and getting an arena in shape for roping and riding.
This Sunday, though, the church planned to be all about celebrating its first Easter. Those who arrived hungry and bleary-eyed for the sunrise service could count on some cowboy comfort.
The church was offering a pancake breakfast, with campfire coffee.
back to basics, emphasize salvation
10:24 PM CDT on Saturday, April 11, 2009
By SAM HODGES / The Dallas Morning News samhodges@dallasnews.com
Many churches will round off Easter worship with the "Hallelujah" chorus, but others will be singing "Happy Trails," the old Dale Evans and Roy Rogers tune.
Here, Easter bonnets will give way to Stetson hats, and any baptizing will be done not at a font or in a baptismal pool, but in a galvanized steel trough usually used for watering horses. Easter is a big deal in these churches, but as for the Easter theme of redemption – well, that's what it's about all year 'round. READ MORE ON THIS LINE.
By 2011, the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches hopes to have 250 congregations in the state, and its adjunct organization, the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches, is spreading the model nationally.
For the Dallas County Cowboy Church, near-term goals are more modest, including fixing up the stable out back, and getting an arena in shape for roping and riding.
This Sunday, though, the church planned to be all about celebrating its first Easter. Those who arrived hungry and bleary-eyed for the sunrise service could count on some cowboy comfort.
The church was offering a pancake breakfast, with campfire coffee.
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