Friday, June 26, 2009

If you like a Good Fit Now and Then.....

Spitzer, Ensign, Sanford, another WWWWW&W day & the hits keep comin'
If it's Wednesday it must be Wretched Wrepublican Wandering Weenie Wrevelation & Wresignation Day.
(God help me, how schadenfreude tempts me.)
This makes TWO Wednesdays in a row that a Repuglican boy in high places had to fall on his sword. For unauthorized swordplay.
Click on the WWWWW&W for the rest of her fit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How did you select this image for a Good Fit Now and Then?

A: If you use Google Image, you will find it under "A Good Fit" and it shows a trail from my blog to hers and the TREE that grows in her front yard, called "Brown Shower from Heaven".

It also got your attention...