Friday, June 12, 2009

On that same website... Very interesting article on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles HFCVs ...

By far the most interesting title for a presentation here at the Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2009 conference in Vancouver, British Columbia was the following: "Threats to the introduction of fuel cell vehicles and how to deal with them." I mean, how could we not cover that?The session was delivered by Paul Andre Nieuwenhuis, assistant director at the Centre for Automotive Industry Research at Cardiff University in Wales. He is also affiliated with BRASS, the Center for Business Relationships Accountability, Sustainability & Society. It is through his BRASS research that he and his partners have been looking at what are the potential pathways for hydrogen cars to come to showroom floors.Nieuwenhuis and team first identified two core technologies of the car: the internal combustion engine and the all-steel body. Stick with us now. Nieuwenhuis said that the car came about because of the combination of a chassis (the horseless carriage) with an engine. But the real start of the auto age didn't happen until mass production came about. Interestingly, if your mind just called up Henry Ford, nice try. READ MORE AT

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