Friday, June 5, 2009

Update: Look at Bo. See Bo. See Bo bit mic. See Bo eat mic. See Bo...

Proving that he's got a playful streak
(he is, after all, a canine and still a puppy)

Bo sniffed out the camera crew surrounding him on the White House lawn and decided that one particular microphone looked the tastiest. As far as misbehaving goes, Bo's playfulness is mild and good-natured compared to some other presidential pets!

Want see more Bo?

Click here for more videos of the presidential pup with President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama. Every time a presidential pet breaks protocol or gives in to their "bad" side, it's reported as international news. So far the Obamas' Portuguese Water Dog, has only been guilty of trying to chew on people's feet and chomping on a news camera microphone like it was a tasty treat.

How have other presidential pets acted badly in the past?

During the last days of President George W. Bush's presidency in November 2008, his Scottish terrier Barney bit a Reuters reporter, Jon Decker, on the finger, requiring the newsman to get it bandaged and take antibiotics for several days. Why was Barney so irritable? Maybe because he was cooped up on the White House grounds for eight years!

FD: I was out checking my email and saw this news feature about Bo... Good Bo. Bad Barney.

My sister calls this bad reporting: it favors Bo over Barney.

It does not say good Barney was for 8 years, until the bad Obamas came and took away his WHITE HOUSE.

See Good Barney defending Daddy W from BAD Newsman.

Now Good Barney is living in Dallas with me.
See W walking Barney. Good Barney. Bad W...

WOOPS... where is my photo of
President Bush walking Barney?
They did not bring Barney to Dallas?
Where is Barney?
Barney, here Barney. Here Barney.
Let's check out President's Bush's neighborhood...

The President and Laura Bush will soon be coming home to Dallas.
It won’t be long before we spot them in Tom Thumb at Preston Royal. For months we have obsessed over where they would end up living. Current cocktail chatter points to what I’ve said all along — Preston Hollow — and a nook of a street called Daria Place.

Here’s why: on October 1, Robert A. McCleskey bought a home at 10141 Daria Place. McCleskey is the Bushes’ Midland accountant and good friend of the First Couple. He’s also the man who placed the Bushes’ assets in a blind trust when W. became governor of Texas in 1995. McCleskey bought the home from Dan and Laura Boeckman. As far as I know, it hadn’t been on the market. (Of note: Dan Boeckman is one of the investors in Museum Tower.)

Daria Place is a sweet, leafy cul de sac off Daria Drive, which is off Meaders, in Preston Hollow, and across from Pershing Elementary School. (Read: uber safe.) Though the home was built in 1959, the interior has been completely refurbished and beautifully decked out — totally top notch, according to my sources, and contemporary. The one-story home has 8,501 square feet on 1.13 acres and no pool. The Bushes already have a pool at the Crawford ranch, which the President once called a “whine” pool. The kids whine so much, you just give in. This home has been placed in a trust.

Last week, the house next door, 10151 Daria Place, went under contract. The home, a sprawling 4,684-square-foot ranch on 1.26 acres, is unoccupied and in the estate of Joan Northway. It is listed for $1.6 million by LeeLee Gioia and Anne Goyler with Briggs-Freeman. The buyer on the contract: an Allie Beth Allman “property company and/or assigns.” The home is set to close December 10. Also no pool, just a creek running along the northern property line.

“We have no idea who the buyer is,” said Gioia, one of Briggs-Freeman’s most dynamic agents. “We operated like Madame X was buying the property.”

I called Pierce Allman over at ABA, since Allie Beth is the Bushes’ agent. He told me that all kinds of stories are circulating out there. He did not confirm my theory.

So here’s what I’m thinking: the Bushes will live at 10141 Daria and plop the Secret Service in 10151. They might also plop the President’s office in that home. Or they might tear it down for more land. Or they might live in 10141 while they build on 10151. All sorts of options.

This is the perfect setting for the Bushes for many reasons. A cul de sac, so the neighbors could agree to gate it off. Easy Tollway access down at Walnut Hill Lane (an entrance ramp south at Meaders would be mighty handy) or up at Royal. Cooper Aerobics is just a couple of miles north. Gosh, he could almost jog up there. And Laura could even volunteer at Pershing Elementary or St. Mark’s.
But the best thing: both properties back up to two enormous Dallas estates — the 14.26-acre estate of Gene and Roxanne Phillips (just had a trout-filled lake installed on the property) and the 24-plus-acre estate of Thomas O. and Cinda Hicks, who hosted a fundraiser in their home for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani last year. Seclusion, safety, and true blue — make that red — friends all around them.

Welcome home!

Update: the DMN has now run with the story and obliquely given DallasDirt credit for the scoop.

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