From a blog on Huffington Post:
Sarah's Declaration of Independence:
When in the course of Sarah's events it becomes necessary for her to dissolve the political bonds which have connected her with the State and Federal Government, and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and lucrative station to which the laws of Sarah and Sarah's God entitle her, a decent respect to the opinions of constituents requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the separation. She holds these truths to be self-evident: that she is a special maverick, that she is endowed by her Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are book tours, television appearances, and the pursuit of wealth untethered to political accountability. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is her right to cut and run, and to organize her powers in such form as shall seem most likely to secure her economic and legal safety and happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments recently established can be changed for any damn cause she likes, and accordingly, she will bloody well do so.
Sarah's Declaration of Independence:
When in the course of Sarah's events it becomes necessary for her to dissolve the political bonds which have connected her with the State and Federal Government, and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and lucrative station to which the laws of Sarah and Sarah's God entitle her, a decent respect to the opinions of constituents requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the separation. She holds these truths to be self-evident: that she is a special maverick, that she is endowed by her Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are book tours, television appearances, and the pursuit of wealth untethered to political accountability. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is her right to cut and run, and to organize her powers in such form as shall seem most likely to secure her economic and legal safety and happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments recently established can be changed for any damn cause she likes, and accordingly, she will bloody well do so.
1 comment:
RE: Well, Folks. I am stuck with short meaningless blogger posts without my Select, Copy, and Paste functions removed by MicroSoft with the IE 8 update!
Whoa. I thought it was just me when I blogposted ONE time from IE, since I started my blog a month ago. I always use Firefox and was pretty comfy with being able to do all the standard computer actions there.
Of all people, ALL people, YOU are the last person I should tell to STOP USING IE. So, I'll put it in positive terms:
Firefox is a nice browser for blogging. Try it.
Chrome, I haven't tried, but I think I shall and will report back to you.
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