Friday, March 13, 2009

How about CC Pizza tonight? How about American Success. How about $7 an hour?

Dinner with a great salad, dessert and a drink for $7.
All you care to eat.
When I ate there last night, the manager was wonderful. The food was good. The salad bar nutrious. The hot dessert was great. I even had the option of soda. All for $7.00 including tax. left a $1 tip.
The manage, hispanic woman young, had been the manager for 1.5 years. She had worked at the location for 5 years BEFORE making manager.
I walked out of her resturant. Full. Not broke. Not fatter. And thinking of how that was the American Model of Success. Working your way up.
And, I have decided that the minium wage for USa should be what you would spend on that ONE meal: $7. Why not? Someone working in the USA should be able to eat one meal on what they make working one hour. In an eight hour day; eight meals - one week at one meal a day.

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